The Rev Danielle McCullagh (front, centre) with members of The Hub staff team.

The Rev Danielle McCullagh is the new Chaplain and Dean of Residences at The Hub, the Church of Ireland/Methodist Chaplaincy at Queen’s University and Stranmillis College in Belfast.

In her new role as, Danielle will serve in covenant alongside the Ulster University Chaplain, the Rev Gail Mercer, who is currently appointed by the Methodist Church.

A service of introduction and licensing for Danielle took place on Wednesday February 15.

She will lead the staff team at the Hub, including centre management, café and ancillary staff, and serve as Dean of Residents in the Student Centre, which during term time is home to some 50 residential students and ministry interns.

Danielle will also serve as Chaplain to the Church of the Resurrection within The Hub.

At the introduction and licensing of the Rev Danielle McCullagh as Chaplain at The Hub, Belfast, held in the Church of the Resurrection on February 15 are, from left: the Rev Canon William Taggart, Connor Diocesan Registrar; the Rt Rev George Davison, Bishop of Connor; the Rev Danielle McCullagh; the Very Rev Sam Wright, Dean of Connor, preacher; John Unsworth, Chair of the Board at The Hub; the Rev Philip Agnew, North Eastern District Superintendent, Methodist Church; and the Rev David Campton, South and Central Belfast Circuit Superintendent, Methodist Church.


Danielle grew up in Glengormley. She was ordained deacon in 2016 and served her deacon internship in St Brigid’s, Mallusk, Diocese of Connor. After her ordination as a priest in August 2017, she was curate-assistant in Lisburn Cathedral, also Connor Diocese, until her institution as vicar of the Cathedral in June 2021.

Danielle has a BA (Hons) Degree in Childhood Studies and Professional Practice Studies from Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, and before training for ordination she worked in Carnmoney Primary School as a one-to-one classroom assistant with children with special needs.

Students, staff and members of the Hub and the Church of the Resurrection were joined at the service of introduction by parishioners from Lisburn Cathedral.

Danielle was introduced as chaplain by the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev George Davison. The preacher was the Dean of Connor and rector of Christ Church Cathedral, Lisburn, the Very Rev Sam Wright. The Rev Philip Agnew, District Superintendent, Methodist Church, welcomed the congregation and led the opening prayer.

During the service, Bishop George conducted a short interview with Danielle as she was introduced to those gathered.

Danielle succeeds the Ven Barry Forde, Archdeacon of Belfast, who is now Priest-in-Charge of the Inner South Belfast Mission Area. Danielle is the first female Chaplain since the role of Chaplain/Dean of Residences in the then Queen’s College, Belfast, first came into being in 1849. The chaplaincy itself opened in 1954.