Camera. Stock image.
Get your camera ready and snap a photo on the theme ‘Seeing The Light’ for your chance to win a prize.
Readers of The Methodist Newsletter are invited to submit digital photos for a competition. The winner will receive a £50/€60 prize.
Here are the rules:
• Photos must have been taken during 2022 by the person submitting them. The closing date for submissions is the 1 September 2022.
• Each photo should have a connexion with the theme ‘Seeing The Light’.
• The Editors of The Methodist Newsletter will select a shortlist of photographs to be published in The Methodist Newsletter. Readers can then vote to decide the winner.
• Photos should be submitted by email to Newsletter@irishmethodist.org. The subject of the email should be ‘Photo Competition’ followed by the name of the competitor.
• The photo must be attached as a JPEG file to the email. The photographer should supply their contact details along with an appropriate title of up to 20 words for each photo. Individuals may submit no more than two entries.